Alyssa and I had been talking about traveling for years.
Not like the digital nomad type travel or the leave the country for 3 months at a time travel.
That never occurred to us.
But 12 years ago we had seen a movie on Greece and since that time always wanted to visit Europe.
Now it was possible.
We had spent the last 3 years building a business that allowed us to not have to be in one place.
Why wouldn’t we travel?
Plus Alyssa’s brother lives in Portugal about 40 minutes outside of Lisbon. We wanted to visit!
And then of course there was Paris, the other place we’ve wanted to go for some time now.
Ok Ok, you can tell we’ve got a pretty massive list of places that we want to experience!
We’ve traveled across the ocean before.
This time was different though.
This time for longer, and this time we’d take our kids (gasp)
You’d never believe all the dirty and judgey looks we’ve got about taking our kids out of school for over a month and then carting them off on a plane and then taking them to someplace where they can get exposure to the whole rest of the world while learning a lot at the exact same time.
People thought we were crazy (ok to be fair most of our family and friends already knew we were crazy) and they would ask questions.
“Can you just pull them out of school?”
“What places will you go see with them?”
“Will the kids be bored at the Louvre?”
“How are you going to do all this stuff with your kids anyway?”

Wait! How were we going to do all this stuff with our kids?
As we the trip got closer we started doing lots of research… Unfortunately we realized quickly that there isn’t that much out there that was extremely helpful for how to travel with your kids and family. In fact as first timers, we had a difficult time finding answers to the questions we had or ways to make travel much easier with multiple kids at a variety of ages.
So of course we learned a ton and researched even more… and talked to other people who had done it!
and now we are bringing it all to you so that you can benefit from all our research, craziness and even our packing checklists and other tools we’ve created to make our own lives easier.
Since we already run several other podcasts for our business, we were pretty familiar with how to put together a show and we thought between this blog and the Family Passport Podcast what better way for our friends, family and others to follow along on the adventures.
We hope to make this just the first season of travel with many more to come!
Thanks for joining us on this adventure!
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